Contact Us
Oak Lodge Primary School
Chamberlain Crescent
West Wickham
Kent, BR4 0LJ
Email: oaklodge@mslt.org.uk
Telephone: 020 8819 6996
Press 1 for the absence line
Press 2 for the School Office
Office opening hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm term time only
During school holidays please email admin@mslt.org.uk
Hard copies of information displayed on our website are available upon request, as an eco-friendly school, we would prefer to email documents where an email address is provided.
Feedback on our school website is very welcome. Please complete the contact us form below.
Please contact the Class Teacher for any class based queries however if you need to speak to someone more senior please contact the following via oaklodge@mslt.org.uk or by contacting the school office on 0208 819 6996:
Mrs Allen for EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2
Mr Grice for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6
Mrs Walsh - Special Educational Needs
Mrs Jackson - Family issues
Mrs Lowton - Headteacher
If you need to contact our Senco, please send an email to senco@OakLodge.mslt.org.uk or call 020 8819 6996.
Chair of Governors: Mr James Ashforth
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors or another member of the Local Governing Body, please address your correspondence to Joyce Munro, Governance Manager, at governance@mslt.org.uk or alternatively, at the school office oaklodge@mslt.org.uk.
Complaints against school staff (except the Head of School/Executive Head) should be made, in the first instance, to the Head of School via the School Office. Please mark them as private and confidential.
Complaints that involve or are about the Head of School or Executive Headteacher should be addressed to the Chair of Governors, via the School Office. Please mark them as private and confidential.
Complaints about the Chair of Governors, any individual Governor, or the whole Governing Body, should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer for Mosaic Schools Learning Trust, via the School Office. Please mark them as private and confidential.
Contact Us: